Excellent Service at Affordible Rates
We Supply Cranes and Specialize in Lifting Just About Anything!

90 Ton 70' Main Boom
Reliable Crane
Service at Affordable Rates!

30 Ton 112" Main Boom

40 Ton 142" main boom, Man Basket and Jib Available, 205" tip height

72 Ton 100" Main Boom
Sullivan County Cranes Service has been family owned and operated for over 30 years. Providing the Hudson Valley and the Catskills with reliable crane service. We supply cranes and specialize in the lifting of just about anything. Our experienced operators will provide you with the expertise you deserve. Contact us today for a quote on your next project!
Affordable Rates
Same Day Service
Experienced Operators
AC Units (HVAC Units)
17-72 Ton Cranes